Saturday, October 4, 2008

Special Edition

1. I bought a printer/scanner
2. I have a story to share, using visual aids.

Today I took a bus in Korea for the first time. I like the bus a lot. There was decorative fabric hanging around the top of the ceiling and it was more like a coach bus than a city bus. It was too bad that I missed my stop.

A co-worker had invited me over in order to show me where bicycle shops are. I was directed to take the bus to his wife's apartment complex. I told the bus driver my destination and took a seat...
through downtown...
past several apartment buildings...
a few shopping areas...
and finally...
Once the bus driver realized that I was still on the bus, he ordered me off, and returned most of my bus fare.

I first stopped at the nearest apartment complex, assuming that this was the place...but not so. After much confusion, "I don't understand" expressions, and laughter, the elderly security guard told me "taxi".

I started to walk down the street, waiting for a taxi to honk at me. (Philadelphia is not the only place this happens.)

The taxi never came and soon I happened upon two teenage girls. Hoping they spoke English, or at least understood it, I approached and asked for help. After much expression of regret, one of them indicated that I was to follow her. Using her cell phone translator function, we communicated small amounts.

First she asked if I was going to visit a friend. I essentially affirm that.

I try to describe him.

I attempt to convey my misfortune.

Finally after much walking, we reach the Woo Bang Apartments.
I tell her that because I cannot call him, I must embark on leg 2 or 3 or 4 of the journey/adventure. She decides to come with me.

She and I approach a parking lot security guard with the following information. Much pantomiming is involved.

An hour later, she and I are sitting in his office, simultaneously watching a Korean drama and still trying to undertand what's going on...

The security guard tells us that a hagwon teacher will return. "What time?" I ask "I don't know." He wants me to wait longer.

And finally...

...and so, another day in South Korea. Please let me add that although the above story centers around slight misfortune, I and my teenage helper were thoroughly delighted with one other's company. I think. I will take the bus again, and I will get off on the right stop. Without missing my stop, I never would have seen steam billowing out of a handsome drama star's ears and nostrils on T.V. in a parking lot security office! Things are going well, and I'll be posting again in several days.

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