Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It happens to the best of us.

Days 51-55 are hereby postponed until further notice. My obsession with the Korean Drama "Painter of the Wind" is taking priority. Seriously. They're about to paint the King's portrait. When it is finished, his soul will live on forever and there's nothing ANYONE CAN DO ABOUT HIS IMMORTAL POWER!!!! DANWON! Shin Yun Bok! Paint for your lives!!! NO PUN INTENDED! and NOBODY KNOWS that HE is really a SHE! OMG!!! I'm not even joking.
It's the occasional gayagum appearance that compels me to keep watching.

Okay, actually, it's the drama...OH, the DRAMA in this...this...Korean Drama.

Can you even stand it?!? NO!!! Neither can I. That's why I'm going to watch the next episode now.


Unlikely Places said...

my dad and his wife spend all their free time watching korean soap operas. now i understand why...

specialfave said...

pure drama, period.